Saturday, April 28, 2007

I found the perfect mother's day card!

Front of Card

keep scrolling
Inside of Card

Monday, April 23, 2007

A Ray of Hope

It may seem like a small thing to those of you who don't suffer with NDS, but every step gives hope to those fellow sufferers.

My friend came over and wanted a cup of tea. Of course tea is made by putting the cup of water in the microwave right? Just as I was about to do this the electricity went out. My friend said I could just boil the water on the stove. I felt the panic rising, but always wanting to at least try to be a good hostess, with shaking hands, I filled a pot with water, put it on the stove, turned on the flame, and in a few minutes the water boiled and I poured it into the cup over the tea bag.

Do you realize what a breakthrough this is?!? I MADE BOILING WATER FROM SCRATCH!