Fill bottom of pot with water.
Put steamer in.
Put asparagus in.
Put on stove, turn knob to "medium low".Leave kitchen and forget about it.
When you happen to come back to kitchen hours later, the asparagus will be perfectly crisp and black.Serve.

dysfunctional housewives is a blog about women with NDS Syndrome, also sometimes referred to as No Domestic Skills Disorder.
Do you have NDS? Take the TEST to find out.
NDS Syndrome or No Domestic Skills Disorder is a multifunctional disorder discovered in the late 80ties by two young scientists who published a paper which described a pattern of behaviors in several women who had normal if not above average intelligence and language development, but who also exhibited marked deficiencies in domestic skills. In spite of the publication of this paper, it wasn't until recently that NDS is getting more widespread attention by professionals.
Individuals with NDS can exhibit a variety of characteristics and the disorder can range from mild to severe. Persons with NDS show marked deficiencies in domestic skills, have difficulties with all kind of housework and prefer others to do the same. They often have obsessive dislikes of anything domestic and may just avoid related activities such as cooking, sewing, cleaning, etc. They have a great deal of difficulty to use kitchen utensils or sewing equipment and very often the individual with NDS has difficulty understanding written material pertaining to domestic work issues.
It's important to remember that the person with NSD perceives herself to be perfectly normal and healthy.
By definition, those with NDS often have above normal IQ and many individuals (although not all), exhibit exceptional skill or talent in several specific areas other than the domestic realm. While intellect and education seem, on the surface, normal or above normal, individuals with NDS often have a deficit in patience and subordination to any kind of authority.
At this time there is a great deal of debate as to exactly where NDS fits. It is presently described as a behavioral disorder but some professionals feel that NDS might have underlying genetic causes, located on the X-chromosome.
Further research is underway but if the X-chromosome genetic cause theory can be substantiated, the unrealistically high amount of reported male NDS cases will have to be treated at what they probably are: avoidance syndrome.
For more detailed information or if you are looking for a support group in your area you can send an email to
sounds good
I think in New Orleans they serve a dish that is some kind of "blackened" fish. Maybe your blackened asparagus could be the side dish.
Is that for real??? I can't believe I have been cooking like this for favorite is really dry chicken...I am amazing!
The key to when the asparagus is done is the smell that wafts from the kitchen-right? Too bad the pot has to be clandesinely discarded (what me scrub with creme of tartar?) When DH dines out he misses the char taste telling me everything is too rare. Success????? or failure?
I once did that with a pan that had a little sauce in it. I turned the flame all the way to low instead of off. Walked away, ate dinner, put the dishes in the sink and...went to bed. Woke up the next morning and that is when I noticed the fire was still on and the pan still on the stove. Scary really.
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